Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Reading Notes: Ramayana Part D

The first reading that I liked from this set was the story of Ravana's Death written by Donald Mackenzie and Romesh Dutt. At this point everyone is fighting and Ravana has grown ten heads. Rama is running forward in order to attack Ravana. Brahma had created a flaming weapon that would protect the gods, so Rama grabbed it and threw it at Ravana. This killed Ravana instantly and Rama had saved the day once again. Heavenly music started playing from above and a voice started singing a song. Rama entered the city in victory. Vibhishana performed the appropriate funeral ritual from his fallen brother and was later crowned King of Lanka. In the next part of the verse, this course has a lyrical tone speaking about the great battle. They speak of the firing weapon of power. It tells of how Ravana was slain and a cry of terror arose from the world. Heaven had never been so happy. Rama was the true champion.

The other story I really enjoyed was Sita and Rama by Sister Nivedita. Rama had called Hanuman to go check on Sita for him and he found her naturally resting by the Ashoka tree. The rakshasis guarded her a normal. Sita wanted to see Rama so she sent this message along with Hanuman. Rama had called for her return, but she must bathed and covered in jewels. Rama was so overcome with sorrow over her capture by Ravana when he saw Sita that he was desperate to see her. Rama ordered that Sita come to him on foot and say no wrong in seeing her. Rama gets to see Sita for the first time since she had been a prisoner and he could hold none of his emotions back when he caught sight of her. Rama became torn and realized he couldn't be with a wife who had caught eyes of another. This is the most tragic story I have read through these stories.
File:Rama and Hanuman fighting Ravana, an album painting on paper, c1820.jpg
(Ravana versus Rama and Hanuman: wikimedia)

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