Sunday, April 5, 2020

Week 11 Story: The Great War

The demons had flooded the earth once again. They were everywhere. Nonstop. Once the floodgates of hell had opened, it never stopped. There was evil and temptation everywhere. People couldn't leave their houses. It was a never ending nightmare that people could never wake up from. The idea of life and death had been altered. Dying wasn't the worst thing that could happen, it was more of a saving grace idea. You either went to the heavens and the pain had ended, or you went to hell where the pain just came and came and never left. The idea of living had altered, because it wasn't so sunny and rosy as people had believed. There was individuals who fought back, but the balance was never restored to how it used to be. There was supposed to be two brave warriors sent to earth from the supreme deity, but that day never seemed to come. Until it did.

The Great War began which lead to many deaths, loses and wins. At one point it seemed like neither side would win, it would just be a slaughter until there was no one left. But then the tides changed. The deities gave the warriors the upper hand, powerful weapons that could slay the demons with one blade crash. The warriors took this weapon and defeated the demons of the earth. The floodgates of hell closed and order had been restored within the land. It was the miracle no one saw coming, all except the heavens and the deities. The earth eventually went back to some type of normal and as time went on The Great War became a fable. A story to tell your children to keep them from doing wrong. Only the heavens and hell knew what had happened so long ago and why things had become the way they were. Ignorant bliss.

Author's Note: I had a hard time incorporating as many original details and story lines from the original story as I wanted to, so I kinda went free fall. I focused more on the aspect of death and going into a heaven rather than the actual characters. I also wanted to incorporate the ideas of demons living on earth, so rather than create characters and a storyline, I wanted to create an abstract story of the ideas of life and death.

Source: Shri Krishna of Dwarka and Other Stories by C. A. Kincaid

Grim Reaper, Skull, Death, Skeleton, Face, Background
(Grim Reaper: pixabay)


  1. Hi Anna! While this story was indeed a bit of a "free fall" as you said, I think it takes on an almost philosophical perspective of the story and death in general. I don't know if this was intentional, but I saw a lot of parallels to what's happening in the world today with this pandemic. Here's to hoping the powerful weapons (vaccine and/or cure) appear soon to defeat the demons (virus)!

  2. Hi Anna,
    I really enjoyed the concept of this story. It was definitely that had me thinking and pondering about life and death. Many times you hear people wondering, "is this a life worth living". I am glad that the story ended somewhat in a happy way. This war seemed very much like a great version of your own apocalypse . Great job on this fun story.

  3. Hey Anna!
    Great story! You ask and give your own answers to some tough questions that everyone must think about. It's very relevant given today's global climate. Keep up the great work and stay safe and healthy. Have a great semester!

  4. Hi Anna! I really like the thing you mention about death. In the Ramayana and Mahabharata, I feel like death played a really big role, and killing someone's kin was the basis for a lot of arguments. I also like the idea of ignorant bliss, personally, i think sometimes ignorance is that best thing as it allows us to escape ourselves so much easier than before.


Biography: A Second Chance

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