Sunday, April 5, 2020

Reading Notes: Krishna Part B

In order to tell the coming of Krishna, we have to then tell The Passing of Krishna. Krishna had returned from Indraprastha at this point. Prince Samba and some other young nobles decided to go to Pindaraka. They ran into Vishvamitra and other powerful sages and Samba wanted to trick them. So Samba dressed up as a young married woman and approached Vishvamitra. Sambra's friends tried to trick Vishvamitra, but he saw right through them. In anger he cursed Sambra and they all ran back to Dwarka and to tell their story. The curse was that the club Sambra had been given would destroy their entire race, so King Ugrasena destroyed the club. It came back together and fell into the hands of Jara.

Years later, Dwarka began to fall apart. Prince Krishna told everyone to leave the city and find shelter elsewhere. Krishna and the men went to Prabhasa in order to worship the goddess Saraswati so the terror would end. Krishna and the Yadavas went along to Prabhasa, but they were a prideful group of men. They ignored Krishna's commands and instead of worshipping Saraswati, drank the wine of the land. The man all suddenly irrupted into a large fight between each other, and after Krishna and Balarama failed to stop the war, they joined in. All of the Yadava nobles killed each other and only Krishna and Balarama were left. Balarama was eventually killed and Krishna was all alone. Krishna was injured in the foot and had no way to move. His chariot arrived with his horses and his servant, who sprung to Krishna's side when he saw what had happened. Krishna knew he was destined to returned back to the heavens so he told his servant to go back to Dwarka and tell the story of what had happened that day. His servant did as he was told and Krishna's spirit flew high into the sky.

Source: Shri Krishna of Dwarka and Other Stories by C. A. Kincaid

File:Death of Krishna - Illustrations from the Barddhaman edition of Mahabharata.jpg
(The Death of Krishna: wikimedia)

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