Monday, April 13, 2020

Biography: My Best Friends

Every body needs friends. My friends are the people who are my family away from home. I am a student at OU and spend most of my time up in Norman. I rarely see my immediate family, as they live 6 hours away in Houston, Texas. So these girls are my support system. Freshman year was my hardest year, and I can say that the only reason I made it through everything was because of my best friends. From family life to just the every day pressures of college, they were my rocks. I live together now with four of these girls, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Note: My favorite type of story lab is biographies. I like writing about my life, it comes easy and I get to share a part of myself with the readers. For this story, I wanted people to get to know my friends I have made in college. Rather than speak about each of them individually, I wanted to speak of more how they are my support system and how they have helped me get through college.

(My Friends: by me)

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